Unlike what is often imagined, the processing and use of genuine leather is perhaps the oldest system of circular economy. All the leathers we use are by-products of the food industry: scraps that would become waste to be disposed of if they were not granted a second life.
    Since prehistoric times, man has made use of the skins of the animals he hunted to cover himself or to make small artifacts. What has been continuously evolving since then is the technology with which this precious material is processed to guarantee it those characteristics of durability, resistance, flexibility and shine, today with a view to ever greater sustainability.

    This occurs at every stage of its life cycle, starting with the farms.

    The quality of life of the animal is reflected directly on the quality of its coat: food, parasites, use of medicines, diseases, physical activity, healthiness of the environment and even exposure to natural light leave indelible "marks" that determine the quality of the leather.

    The subsequent processing phases, and above all the actual tanning, are now carried out according to procedures and regulations capable not only of guaranteeing the lowest impact in terms of water footprint but also of favoring a low emission of pollutants and a recycling of waste materials. This is true both for the substances used (such as for the chromium which, once purified, can be reused for other processes), as well as for the waste products that find their use, often representing raw materials of considerable value, in the most disparate sectors. : from collagen used in the chemical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries; pectins necessary for the food industry; to other components that are used to produce fertilizers and biostimulants.
    For our part, the commitment is not only to continue to increase the sustainability of our products through a continuous attention to the use of increasingly ecological and innovative processes but also to project our commitment on the entire supply and processing chain, so to create a network of companies that are responsible and attentive to the health of our planet.

    An object in genuine leather, destined to accompany us throughout our life, being able only to increase its beauty and its timeless charm.